1) Create Log LV (filesystem type jfs2 need loglv for journaling)
mklv -y loglvarchive -t jfs2log appvg 1
2) Create LV (Create Logical Volume with filesystem type jfs2)
mklv -y lvarchive -t jfs2 appvg 500M
3) Create FileSystem
crfs -v jfs2 -d /dev/lvarchive -a log=/dev/loglvarchive -m /Archive
4) Mount the file system
mount /Archive
Full Example
hdisk0 active 546 325 30..08..69..109..109
hdisk1 active 546 325 30..08..69..109..109
rdmsdweb:/# df -g
Filesystem GB blocks Free %Used Iused %Iused Mounted on
/dev/hd4 1.00 0.77 24% 2720 2% /
/dev/hd2 3.00 1.18 61% 36458 12% /usr
/dev/hd9var 0.50 0.41 19% 4442 5% /var
/dev/hd3 7.00 6.67 5% 174 1% /tmp
/dev/fwdump 0.25 0.25 1% 4 1% /var/adm/ras/platform
/dev/hd1 0.25 0.25 1% 27 1% /home
/proc - - - - - /proc
/dev/hd10opt 0.25 0.20 21% 946 2% /opt
/dev/lvfix 10.00 4.37 57% 653 1% /fix
/dev/lvsapmnt 10.00 9.53 5% 708 1% /sapmnt/WDD
/dev/lvusrsap 15.00 14.86 1% 251 1% /usr/sap/WDD
/dev/lvinstcd 20.00 13.28 34% 20289 1% /instcd
/dev/lvscript 1.00 0.65 35% 1921 2% /script
/dev/lvperfdata 1.00 1.00 1% 5 1% /perfdata
rdmsdweb:/# lsvg appvg
VOLUME GROUP: appvg VG IDENTIFIER: 00027c120000d7000000010e98d2197a
VG STATE: active PP SIZE: 256 megabyte(s)
VG PERMISSION: read/write TOTAL PPs: 1092 (279552 megabytes)
MAX LVs: 512 FREE PPs: 650 (166400 megabytes)
LVs: 9 USED PPs: 442 (113152 megabytes)
OPEN LVs: 9 QUORUM: 1 (Disabled)
MAX PPs per VG: 130048
MAX PPs per PV: 1016 MAX PVs: 128
LTG size (Dynamic): 256 kilobyte(s) AUTO SYNC: no
HOT SPARE: no BB POLICY: relocatable
rdmsdweb:/# lsvg -o | lsvg -i -l
paging00 paging 8 16 2 open/syncd N/A
paging02 paging 8 16 2 open/syncd N/A
paging04 paging 8 16 2 open/syncd N/A
paging06 paging 8 16 2 open/syncd N/A
paging08 paging 8 16 2 open/syncd N/A
lvsapmnt jfs2 40 80 2 open/syncd /sapmnt/WDD
lvusrsap jfs2 60 120 2 open/syncd /usr/sap/WDD
lvinstcd jfs2 80 160 2 open/syncd /instcd
loglv00 jfs2log 1 2 2 open/syncd N/A
hd5 boot 1 1 1 closed/syncd N/A
hd6 paging 8 8 1 open/syncd N/A
hd8 jfs2log 1 1 1 open/syncd N/A
hd4 jfs2 4 4 1 open/syncd /
hd2 jfs2 12 12 1 open/syncd /usr
hd9var jfs2 2 2 1 open/syncd /var
hd3 jfs2 28 28 1 open/syncd /tmp
hd1 jfs2 1 1 1 open/syncd /home
hd10opt jfs2 1 1 1 open/syncd /opt
fwdump jfs2 1 1 1 open/syncd /var/adm/ras/platform
lvfix jfs2 40 40 1 open/syncd /fix
paging01 paging 8 8 1 open/syncd N/A
paging03 paging 8 8 1 open/syncd N/A
paging05 paging 8 8 1 open/syncd N/A
paging07 paging 8 8 1 open/syncd N/A
lvscript jfs2 4 4 1 open/syncd /script
lvperfdata jfs2 4 4 1 open/syncd /perfdata
rdmsdweb:/# mklv -y loglvarchive -t jfs2log appvg 1
rdmsdweb:/# mklv -y lvarchive -t jfs2 appvg 500M
rdmsdweb:/# lsvg -o | lsvg -i -l
paging00 paging 8 16 2 open/syncd N/A
paging02 paging 8 16 2 open/syncd N/A
paging04 paging 8 16 2 open/syncd N/A
paging06 paging 8 16 2 open/syncd N/A
paging08 paging 8 16 2 open/syncd N/A
lvsapmnt jfs2 40 80 2 open/syncd /sapmnt/WDD
lvusrsap jfs2 60 120 2 open/syncd /usr/sap/WDD
lvinstcd jfs2 80 160 2 open/syncd /instcd
loglv00 jfs2log 1 2 2 open/syncd N/A
loglvarchive jfs2log 1 1 1 closed/syncd N/A
lvarchive jfs2 2 2 1 closed/syncd N/A
hd5 boot 1 1 1 closed/syncd N/A
hd6 paging 8 8 1 open/syncd N/A
hd8 jfs2log 1 1 1 open/syncd N/A
hd4 jfs2 4 4 1 open/syncd /
hd2 jfs2 12 12 1 open/syncd /usr
hd9var jfs2 2 2 1 open/syncd /var
hd3 jfs2 28 28 1 open/syncd /tmp
hd1 jfs2 1 1 1 open/syncd /home
hd10opt jfs2 1 1 1 open/syncd /opt
fwdump jfs2 1 1 1 open/syncd /var/adm/ras/platform
lvfix jfs2 40 40 1 open/syncd /fix
paging01 paging 8 8 1 open/syncd N/A
paging03 paging 8 8 1 open/syncd N/A
paging05 paging 8 8 1 open/syncd N/A
paging07 paging 8 8 1 open/syncd N/A
lvscript jfs2 4 4 1 open/syncd /script
lvperfdata jfs2 4 4 1 open/syncd /perfdata
rdmsdweb:/# crfs -v jfs2 -d /dev/lvarchive -a log=/dev/loglvarchive -m /Archive
File system created successfully.
524068 kilobytes total disk space.
New File System size is 1048576
rdmsdweb:/# mount /Archive
rdmsdweb:/# df -g
Filesystem GB blocks Free %Used Iused %Iused Mounted on
/dev/hd4 1.00 0.77 24% 2725 2% /
/dev/hd2 3.00 1.18 61% 36458 12% /usr
/dev/hd9var 0.50 0.41 19% 4443 5% /var
/dev/hd3 7.00 6.67 5% 174 1% /tmp
/dev/fwdump 0.25 0.25 1% 4 1% /var/adm/ras/platform
/dev/hd1 0.25 0.25 1% 27 1% /home
/proc - - - - - /proc
/dev/hd10opt 0.25 0.20 21% 946 2% /opt
/dev/lvfix 10.00 4.37 57% 653 1% /fix
/dev/lvsapmnt 10.00 9.53 5% 708 1% /sapmnt/WDD
/dev/lvusrsap 15.00 14.86 1% 251 1% /usr/sap/WDD
/dev/lvinstcd 20.00 13.28 34% 20289 1% /instcd
/dev/lvscript 1.00 0.65 35% 1921 2% /script
/dev/lvperfdata 1.00 1.00 1% 5 1% /perfdata
/dev/lvarchive 0.50 0.50 1% 4 1% /Archive
rdmsdweb:/# df -m
Filesystem MB blocks Free %Used Iused %Iused Mounted on
/dev/hd4 1024.00 783.95 24% 2725 2% /
/dev/hd2 3072.00 1206.83 61% 36458 12% /usr
/dev/hd9var 512.00 414.84 19% 4443 5% /var
/dev/hd3 7168.00 6832.02 5% 174 1% /tmp
/dev/fwdump 256.00 255.64 1% 4 1% /var/adm/ras/platform
/dev/hd1 256.00 255.50 1% 27 1% /home
/proc - - - - - /proc
/dev/hd10opt 256.00 204.74 21% 946 2% /opt
/dev/lvfix 10240.00 4470.87 57% 653 1% /fix
/dev/lvsapmnt 10240.00 9754.66 5% 708 1% /sapmnt/WDD
/dev/lvusrsap 15360.00 15215.25 1% 251 1% /usr/sap/WDD
/dev/lvinstcd 20480.00 13600.27 34% 20289 1% /instcd
/dev/lvscript 1024.00 667.59 35% 1921 2% /script
/dev/lvperfdata 1024.00 1020.51 1% 5 1% /perfdata
/dev/lvarchive 512.00 511.60 1% 4 1% /Archive
rdmsdweb:/# ls- lrt
ksh: ls-: not found.
rdmsdweb:/# ls -lrt
total 2336
drwxr-x--- 2 root audit 256 Jul 08 2006 audit
drwxr-xr-x 2 bin bin 256 Jul 08 2006 mnt
drwxrwxr-x 3 root system 256 Jul 08 2006 .SPOT
drwxrwxr-x 2 root system 256 Jul 08 2006 tftpboot
drwxr-xr-x 3 root system 256 Jul 08 2006 mfg
drwxr-xr-x 2 root system 256 Oct 09 2006 cdrom
drwx------ 3 root system 256 Oct 10 2006 .ssh2
-rw-r----- 1 root system 479 Nov 01 2006 sdtstart.err
drwxr-x--- 3 root system 256 Nov 01 2006 .java
drwxr-xr-x 4 root system 256 Nov 01 2006 sapmnt
drwxr-x--- 2 root system 4096 Nov 01 2006 .sdtgui
-rw-r--r-- 1 root system 9 Feb 06 2007 hn
drwxr-xr-x 6 root system 256 Apr 30 2008 instcd
drwxr-xr-x 2 root system 4096 Apr 30 2008 EMP
-rw------- 1 root system 416 Jul 08 2008 .Xauthority
-rw-r--r-- 1 root system 160 Jul 08 2008 .profile
-rwxr--r-- 1 root system 700 Nov 14 2009 dormant.sh
-rw------- 1 root system 166 Nov 14 2009 .vi_history
-rw-r--r-- 1 root system 1323 Jan 05 17:30 bosinst.data
-rw-r--r-- 1 root system 13610 Jan 05 17:30 image.data.save.altinst
-rw-r--r-- 1 root system 0 Jan 05 18:24 .image.data.removetag
drwx------ 2 root system 256 Jan 05 18:25 lost+found
drwxr-xr-x 11 root system 4096 Jan 05 18:25 fix
drwxr-xr-x 5 bin bin 256 Jan 05 18:25 home
drwxr-xr-x 3 root system 256 Jan 05 18:25 perfdata
drwxr-xr-x 4 root system 4096 Jan 05 18:25 script
drwxr-xr-x 24 bin bin 4096 Jan 05 18:25 var
lrwxrwxrwx 1 bin bin 8 Jan 05 18:25 bin -> /usr/bin
lrwxrwxrwx 1 bin bin 8 Jan 05 18:28 lib -> /usr/lib
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root system 6 Jan 05 18:30 secure -> secure
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root system 21 Jan 05 18:30 unix -> /usr/lib/boot/unix_64
lrwxrwxrwx 1 bin bin 5 Jan 05 18:30 u -> /home
drwxr-xr-x 42 root staff 4096 Jan 06 11:25 usr
drwxr-xr-x 13 root system 4096 Jan 06 11:30 opt
drwxr-xr-x 3 bin bin 256 Jan 06 11:30 sbin
-rw-r--r-- 1 root system 22096 Jan 06 11:43 smit.transaction
-rw-r--r-- 1 root system 12123 Jan 06 11:43 smit.script
drwxr-xr-x 158 bin bin 12288 Jan 06 11:47 lpp
-rw-r--r-- 1 root system 1030903 Jan 06 11:47 smit.log
drwxr-xr-x 29 root system 12288 Jan 06 11:51 etc
drwxr-xr-x 3 root system 256 May 19 16:09 Archive
drwxrwxrwt 14 bin bin 4096 May 19 16:09 tmp
drwxrwxr-x 5 root system 12288 May 19 16:09 dev
dr-xr-xr-x 1 root system 0 May 19 16:12 proc
-rw------- 1 root system 10306 May 19 16:12 .sh_history
rdmsdweb:/# chown wddadm Archive
rdmsdweb:/# chgrp sapsys Archive
rdmsdweb:/# ls -lrt
total 2336
drwxr-x--- 2 root audit 256 Jul 08 2006 audit
drwxr-xr-x 2 bin bin 256 Jul 08 2006 mnt
drwxrwxr-x 3 root system 256 Jul 08 2006 .SPOT
drwxrwxr-x 2 root system 256 Jul 08 2006 tftpboot
drwxr-xr-x 3 root system 256 Jul 08 2006 mfg
drwxr-xr-x 2 root system 256 Oct 09 2006 cdrom
drwx------ 3 root system 256 Oct 10 2006 .ssh2
-rw-r----- 1 root system 479 Nov 01 2006 sdtstart.err
drwxr-x--- 3 root system 256 Nov 01 2006 .java
drwxr-xr-x 4 root system 256 Nov 01 2006 sapmnt
drwxr-x--- 2 root system 4096 Nov 01 2006 .sdtgui
-rw-r--r-- 1 root system 9 Feb 06 2007 hn
drwxr-xr-x 6 root system 256 Apr 30 2008 instcd
drwxr-xr-x 2 root system 4096 Apr 30 2008 EMP
-rw------- 1 root system 416 Jul 08 2008 .Xauthority
-rw-r--r-- 1 root system 160 Jul 08 2008 .profile
-rwxr--r-- 1 root system 700 Nov 14 2009 dormant.sh
-rw------- 1 root system 166 Nov 14 2009 .vi_history
-rw-r--r-- 1 root system 1323 Jan 05 17:30 bosinst.data
-rw-r--r-- 1 root system 13610 Jan 05 17:30 image.data.save.altinst
-rw-r--r-- 1 root system 0 Jan 05 18:24 .image.data.removetag
drwx------ 2 root system 256 Jan 05 18:25 lost+found
drwxr-xr-x 11 root system 4096 Jan 05 18:25 fix
drwxr-xr-x 5 bin bin 256 Jan 05 18:25 home
drwxr-xr-x 3 root system 256 Jan 05 18:25 perfdata
drwxr-xr-x 4 root system 4096 Jan 05 18:25 script
drwxr-xr-x 24 bin bin 4096 Jan 05 18:25 var
lrwxrwxrwx 1 bin bin 8 Jan 05 18:25 bin -> /usr/bin
lrwxrwxrwx 1 bin bin 8 Jan 05 18:28 lib -> /usr/lib
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root system 6 Jan 05 18:30 secure -> secure
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root system 21 Jan 05 18:30 unix -> /usr/lib/boot/unix_64
lrwxrwxrwx 1 bin bin 5 Jan 05 18:30 u -> /home
drwxr-xr-x 42 root staff 4096 Jan 06 11:25 usr
drwxr-xr-x 13 root system 4096 Jan 06 11:30 opt
drwxr-xr-x 3 bin bin 256 Jan 06 11:30 sbin
-rw-r--r-- 1 root system 22096 Jan 06 11:43 smit.transaction
-rw-r--r-- 1 root system 12123 Jan 06 11:43 smit.script
drwxr-xr-x 158 bin bin 12288 Jan 06 11:47 lpp
-rw-r--r-- 1 root system 1030903 Jan 06 11:47 smit.log
drwxr-xr-x 29 root system 12288 Jan 06 11:51 etc
drwxr-xr-x 3 wddadm sapsys 256 May 19 16:09 Archive
drwxrwxrwt 14 bin bin 4096 May 19 16:09 tmp
drwxrwxr-x 5 root system 12288 May 19 16:09 dev
dr-xr-xr-x 1 root system 0 May 19 16:13 proc
-rw------- 1 root system 10360 May 19 16:13 .sh_history
rdmsdweb:/# df -g
Filesystem GB blocks Free %Used Iused %Iused Mounted on
/dev/hd4 1.00 0.77 24% 2725 2% /
/dev/hd2 3.00 1.18 61% 36458 12% /usr
/dev/hd9var 0.50 0.41 19% 4443 5% /var
/dev/hd3 7.00 6.67 5% 174 1% /tmp
/dev/fwdump 0.25 0.25 1% 4 1% /var/adm/ras/platform
/dev/hd1 0.25 0.25 1% 27 1% /home
/proc - - - - - /proc
/dev/hd10opt 0.25 0.20 21% 946 2% /opt
/dev/lvfix 10.00 4.37 57% 653 1% /fix
/dev/lvsapmnt 10.00 9.53 5% 708 1% /sapmnt/WDD
/dev/lvusrsap 15.00 14.86 1% 251 1% /usr/sap/WDD
/dev/lvinstcd 20.00 13.28 34% 20289 1% /instcd
/dev/lvscript 1.00 0.65 35% 1921 2% /script
/dev/lvperfdata 1.00 1.00 1% 5 1% /perfdata
/dev/lvarchive 0.50 0.50 1% 4 1% /Archive
This is a blog that share's SAP tutorials for beginner and intermediate level for all SAP people.
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Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Normal Basis Questions and Answers - Part 2
User Auditing
Is there a way to find out what was entered in a particular transaction code screen?
No, but you can analyze tables associated with the transaction code and see if there is a username field that traces what this user has done.
Background Job Runs
I need to schedule a background job to run for 3 consecutive days and would like to use DB13. How can I schedule a report to run from DB13 and not SM37?
There is no way to schedule a report to run from DB13 other than pre-configured DBA jobs. Instead, use SM36 and make the jobs event driven.
Technical and Troubleshooting Questions
Transport requests
When I release all of the requests to DEV it is not being displayed in an import queue on the QA system (t-code STMS). When I check the log of transport request overall status is successful, but a message appears saying “continue: other transport group.” Why is this message appearing?
The transport group for QA is misconfigured. Go to STMS, then Overview. Double-click QA and choose communication. Next enter the correct transport group and save.
Memory and Sizing
We have a J2EE + ABAP 6.40 instance running a portal 6.0. It seems 1GB of memory is not enough and J2EE has problems if we assign more. What can be used to balance the load in the servers?
You can create a second server process using config-tool. Also, load balancing is possible through SCS.
After a recent upgrade of kernel 6.20 to 6.40, while doing a transport I received several warning parameters although everything looked okay on SAP t-code STMS, what should I do about the warning parameters.
You can delete these parameters from TPPARAM.
SAPRouter and DMZ
We setup a SAPRouter in DMZ so that all SAP requests can be routed in and out from that machine and the SAP application servers are not necessary to be exposed to the internet user. However, the SAPRouter does not handle the BW Web reporting application requests. We do not have E.P. Are there any tools which can help us to
route WEB reporting requests the way SAPRouter does?
You need a SAP Web dispatcher. It acts like a SAP Router but routes SAP ICM traffic. BW Web reporting is a BSP that sits on the ICM. You can look for sapwebdisp.exe in the kernel directory or do a self-generated profile using command option “bootstrap.”
Internet email gateway
How do you configure the Internet email gateway in SAP Netweaver 04?
Starting with version WAS 6.x, SMTP comes built in to kernel. Go to transaction. SCOT and configure it there.
J2EE and CRM
I am installing a SAP J2EE engine at CRM. When it reaches phase 22 it halts for more than 10 minutes and gives up starting the system. What should I do?
A restart is often the solution. If it is an add-in and you have restarted your ABAP then you may be missing
the profile parameters. If this is okay and a restart does not help look in the work directory and check dev_icontrol. If the J2EE engine software is the problem, applying a patch will solve the problem.
Installing R/3 Enterprise
When we install SAP R/3 enterprise 4.7, there are several error messages in the SAPVIEW.log. What does
this mean?
This means that one of your load jobs did not run successfully.
Program buffer / swap
In my development server when I perform ST02 the program buffer shows a value of 1056 in red under the
SWAP category. Users are getting a shortdump with the PXA buffer error message. What should I do?
Use “my links” in “my signature” and use the keywords: PXA Buffer.
Email from SBWP
When sending an email from transaction SBWP I wish to enter the user’s login name only, not an email address. Also I’d like SAP to look at the user details email address and communications methodvheld in SU01 and send the mail to this external email address. Can this be configured?
Yes. Follow pathway SO16-> Tab Mail Sys group->bottom radio button.
Updating Tables
Are direct updates on SAP tables allowed?
You can call SAP functions directly to updatedata (RFC calls) but it is not recommended to try and manipulate data directly at database level (sql scripts, jdbc)
In general it is a very bad idea to update tables directly in SAP.
Installing DB instance
While doing SAP installation of DB instance on a different box other than CI, the input we have given in SAPInst of DB instance is wrong in system number of CI instance. How can I change this entry after installation?
You must reinstall the CI instance with the right system number.
Backup Strategy
I am working on a backup strategy to disk. I want to perform a copy_save_delete equivalent on various disks. This function does not work for disk saves but ideally I would like to have two copies. Is there another function I can use?
In your init.SAP file log on to another drive/server to store another copy of your archive log.
Lock table overflow
One of my BTC jobs fails when I try to run it, giving me an error message stating “lock table overflow.”
It recommends to modify the enqueue / table size parameter to solve this issue. I do not have this value in my default or instance profile. How do I solve the problem?
Run ABAP RSPARAM program. It will give you the real value of the SAP parameter and where they have been set up. The lock table can hold 10,000 entries, which is more than enough for the average system. It is possible that the program is not written properly and the developers should modify it.
System copy for BW
I am attempting to complete a system copy of BW. When I try to go in to RSA1 afterwards I get the error message, “Entry in inbound table already exists.” What should I do to solve the problem?
Read the homogenous system guide and follow all directions under “subsequent steps” section.
Check transaction codes BDLS and SALE as well.
XI 3.0 Configuration
I am configuring my XI 3.0 Production server (MSCS 2003) on oracle for backups. I have successfully run offline backups on single nodes (both A and B), split nodes (Oracle node B and SAP node A), but it fails when I run Oracle on Node A and SAP on Node B. I have checked the initsid.sap, initsid.ora spfilesid.ora files, the files within the “%Windir%\SAPCluster and the FSCMD location path and they are identical to my development servers. Rebooting the servers has been unsuccessful as well. How do I resolve this issue?
Log in on both nodes as SIDADM and run this command: brbackup –V. Make sure that “%Windir%SAPCluster” is part of your path.
Restarting server
Will restarting the PRD server every week affect server performance?
When you restart the server, the SAP ABAPprogram buffer and other buffers are emptied. As far as performance goes, the reports runtime will be a bit longer during the first run. You can restart the system every week without harm. The only reason against it may be the SLA/users demand.
System copy PRD to TST
I need to do a system copy from PRD to TST. I cannot follow SAP documentation, but must do it manually. When I run “@/tmp/TSTcntrl.sql,” will it change all the PRD to TST in the restored file names? Would the restored files be recognized as a TST system?
You must first open the DB as PRD on your new system. Second, apply redo logs. Next, run your script to change SID. This will change SID but will not change tablespace names if using WAS 6.10 or above.
MIRO updates to RBKP
We are running Win 2003, Oracle 9I, SAP 4.7. We are having performance issues around Tx MIRO which updates table RBKP. Table RBKP has five indexes in SAP, but only three of which exist inOracle. Why is this?
In SAP there are many predefined indexes.You can see these indexes via DB02->checks-> database ->ABAP dictionary ->display. Under optional indexes you see all indexes of which the definition is created in the dictionary, but not created at database level.
Customizing and Master Data
Some transactions in SAP are seen as customizing, for instance OVRF (updating routes). In some systems this is set as master data and can be set open. Where do you do this?
That depends on each transaction. Sometimes it is determined by other configuration and sometimes it is set according to system function, production or test/develop/demo/etc.
Variants for ABAP
I have some housekeeping ABAPs that I have to create variants for. There are cases when I have to specify a time interval for the ABAP in the variant. If I explicitly enter a start and end date they will remain at that current date continuously. Is there any way to dynamically enter dates in the variant?
In transaction SE38 enter the variant name and choose the attributes radio button. Here you can set the field to “selection variable.” Then, under selection variables button, you can define that it is SY -DATE+7.
SM37 and Spool
When I check transaction SM37 and I want to see the spool I get a message that says “no list available.” Why is this?
There are several possible reasons. The spool is sent to a printer and deleted. The spool is too old and the housekeeper deleted it. Also, some test reports simulate a calculation then rollback. It works fine online. When a background job does a rollback then it rolls back the spool as well.
J2EE and Support Packs
I have an ABAP+J2EE instance on XI 3.1. Is it necessary to stop WEB AS and J2EE to apply the support packs for J2EE?
Any J2EE patches are applied while system is up and running but no activities. The only patch applied while system is down are binaries (ABAP kernel).
Is there a way to find out what was entered in a particular transaction code screen?
No, but you can analyze tables associated with the transaction code and see if there is a username field that traces what this user has done.
Background Job Runs
I need to schedule a background job to run for 3 consecutive days and would like to use DB13. How can I schedule a report to run from DB13 and not SM37?
There is no way to schedule a report to run from DB13 other than pre-configured DBA jobs. Instead, use SM36 and make the jobs event driven.
Technical and Troubleshooting Questions
Transport requests
When I release all of the requests to DEV it is not being displayed in an import queue on the QA system (t-code STMS). When I check the log of transport request overall status is successful, but a message appears saying “continue: other transport group.” Why is this message appearing?
The transport group for QA is misconfigured. Go to STMS, then Overview. Double-click QA and choose communication. Next enter the correct transport group and save.
Memory and Sizing
We have a J2EE + ABAP 6.40 instance running a portal 6.0. It seems 1GB of memory is not enough and J2EE has problems if we assign more. What can be used to balance the load in the servers?
You can create a second server process using config-tool. Also, load balancing is possible through SCS.
After a recent upgrade of kernel 6.20 to 6.40, while doing a transport I received several warning parameters although everything looked okay on SAP t-code STMS, what should I do about the warning parameters.
You can delete these parameters from TPPARAM.
SAPRouter and DMZ
We setup a SAPRouter in DMZ so that all SAP requests can be routed in and out from that machine and the SAP application servers are not necessary to be exposed to the internet user. However, the SAPRouter does not handle the BW Web reporting application requests. We do not have E.P. Are there any tools which can help us to
route WEB reporting requests the way SAPRouter does?
You need a SAP Web dispatcher. It acts like a SAP Router but routes SAP ICM traffic. BW Web reporting is a BSP that sits on the ICM. You can look for sapwebdisp.exe in the kernel directory or do a self-generated profile using command option “bootstrap.”
Internet email gateway
How do you configure the Internet email gateway in SAP Netweaver 04?
Starting with version WAS 6.x, SMTP comes built in to kernel. Go to transaction. SCOT and configure it there.
J2EE and CRM
I am installing a SAP J2EE engine at CRM. When it reaches phase 22 it halts for more than 10 minutes and gives up starting the system. What should I do?
A restart is often the solution. If it is an add-in and you have restarted your ABAP then you may be missing
the profile parameters. If this is okay and a restart does not help look in the work directory and check dev_icontrol. If the J2EE engine software is the problem, applying a patch will solve the problem.
Installing R/3 Enterprise
When we install SAP R/3 enterprise 4.7, there are several error messages in the SAPVIEW.log. What does
this mean?
This means that one of your load jobs did not run successfully.
Program buffer / swap
In my development server when I perform ST02 the program buffer shows a value of 1056 in red under the
SWAP category. Users are getting a shortdump with the PXA buffer error message. What should I do?
Use “my links” in “my signature” and use the keywords: PXA Buffer.
Email from SBWP
When sending an email from transaction SBWP I wish to enter the user’s login name only, not an email address. Also I’d like SAP to look at the user details email address and communications methodvheld in SU01 and send the mail to this external email address. Can this be configured?
Yes. Follow pathway SO16-> Tab Mail Sys group->bottom radio button.
Updating Tables
Are direct updates on SAP tables allowed?
You can call SAP functions directly to updatedata (RFC calls) but it is not recommended to try and manipulate data directly at database level (sql scripts, jdbc)
In general it is a very bad idea to update tables directly in SAP.
Installing DB instance
While doing SAP installation of DB instance on a different box other than CI, the input we have given in SAPInst of DB instance is wrong in system number of CI instance. How can I change this entry after installation?
You must reinstall the CI instance with the right system number.
Backup Strategy
I am working on a backup strategy to disk. I want to perform a copy_save_delete equivalent on various disks. This function does not work for disk saves but ideally I would like to have two copies. Is there another function I can use?
In your init
Lock table overflow
One of my BTC jobs fails when I try to run it, giving me an error message stating “lock table overflow.”
It recommends to modify the enqueue / table size parameter to solve this issue. I do not have this value in my default or instance profile. How do I solve the problem?
Run ABAP RSPARAM program. It will give you the real value of the SAP parameter and where they have been set up. The lock table can hold 10,000 entries, which is more than enough for the average system. It is possible that the program is not written properly and the developers should modify it.
System copy for BW
I am attempting to complete a system copy of BW. When I try to go in to RSA1 afterwards I get the error message, “Entry in inbound table already exists.” What should I do to solve the problem?
Read the homogenous system guide and follow all directions under “subsequent steps” section.
Check transaction codes BDLS and SALE as well.
XI 3.0 Configuration
I am configuring my XI 3.0 Production server (MSCS 2003) on oracle for backups. I have successfully run offline backups on single nodes (both A and B), split nodes (Oracle node B and SAP node A), but it fails when I run Oracle on Node A and SAP on Node B. I have checked the initsid.sap, initsid.ora spfilesid.ora files, the files within the “%Windir%\SAPCluster and the FSCMD location path and they are identical to my development servers. Rebooting the servers has been unsuccessful as well. How do I resolve this issue?
Log in on both nodes as SIDADM and run this command: brbackup –V. Make sure that “%Windir%SAPCluster” is part of your path.
Restarting server
Will restarting the PRD server every week affect server performance?
When you restart the server, the SAP ABAPprogram buffer and other buffers are emptied. As far as performance goes, the reports runtime will be a bit longer during the first run. You can restart the system every week without harm. The only reason against it may be the SLA/users demand.
System copy PRD to TST
I need to do a system copy from PRD to TST. I cannot follow SAP documentation, but must do it manually. When I run “@/tmp/TSTcntrl.sql,” will it change all the PRD to TST in the restored file names? Would the restored files be recognized as a TST system?
You must first open the DB as PRD on your new system. Second, apply redo logs. Next, run your script to change SID. This will change SID but will not change tablespace names if using WAS 6.10 or above.
MIRO updates to RBKP
We are running Win 2003, Oracle 9I, SAP 4.7. We are having performance issues around Tx MIRO which updates table RBKP. Table RBKP has five indexes in SAP, but only three of which exist inOracle. Why is this?
In SAP there are many predefined indexes.You can see these indexes via DB02->checks-> database ->ABAP dictionary ->display. Under optional indexes you see all indexes of which the definition is created in the dictionary, but not created at database level.
Customizing and Master Data
Some transactions in SAP are seen as customizing, for instance OVRF (updating routes). In some systems this is set as master data and can be set open. Where do you do this?
That depends on each transaction. Sometimes it is determined by other configuration and sometimes it is set according to system function, production or test/develop/demo/etc.
Variants for ABAP
I have some housekeeping ABAPs that I have to create variants for. There are cases when I have to specify a time interval for the ABAP in the variant. If I explicitly enter a start and end date they will remain at that current date continuously. Is there any way to dynamically enter dates in the variant?
In transaction SE38 enter the variant name and choose the attributes radio button. Here you can set the field to “selection variable.” Then, under selection variables button, you can define that it is SY -DATE+7.
SM37 and Spool
When I check transaction SM37 and I want to see the spool I get a message that says “no list available.” Why is this?
There are several possible reasons. The spool is sent to a printer and deleted. The spool is too old and the housekeeper deleted it. Also, some test reports simulate a calculation then rollback. It works fine online. When a background job does a rollback then it rolls back the spool as well.
J2EE and Support Packs
I have an ABAP+J2EE instance on XI 3.1. Is it necessary to stop WEB AS and J2EE to apply the support packs for J2EE?
Any J2EE patches are applied while system is up and running but no activities. The only patch applied while system is down are binaries (ABAP kernel).
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Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Normal Basis Questions and Answers - Part 1
Transaction Codes
Where are t-code name and program values stored? How can I find a list of all the t-codes in the SAP system?
You can use transaction st11 to view Table TSTC. You can define a new t-code using transaction se93.
STMS Importing
How can one disable the "Import All" button on STMS for the queues?
Login to your Transport Domain Controller. Run STMS->Overview->System. Choose the System you want to disable import all. Go to Transport Tool tab. Add/Create Parameter "NO_IMPORT_ALL" set its value to 1.
Patch Level for GUI
How can you confirm the patch level for SAP GUI?
Log into SAPGUI, and hit Alt-F12 ->About
Web Resources
If you can’t find the answer to a question, what are some website you can visit to find the answer?
OSS notes: http://service.sap.com/notes
SAP help: http://help.sap.com
Google: http://www.google.com
Instance installation
We want to install another new instance on same development box. Is this possible? What are some of the important considerations?
Yes, it is possible to have more than one instance on a single box. The key is to use a different SID and a different system number.
It is also important to note that for a 64 bit SAP kernel, SAP recommends a 20 GB swap space for 1st instance and 10 GB per each additional instance.
Client copy
What is the difference between a client copy and client refresh?
Some times these are the same, For example, if you are performing a copy to an existing client for the express purpose of updating the data, then it is called Client Refresh.
If you are copying to a newly created client then it is more appropriate to say “client copy.”
Another way of thinking about this is that a client copy from production to a QA server or from production to DEV server is really a client refresh.
Table T000
What is the purpose of table T000?
Table T000 contains a list of defined clients, which you can maintain with transaction SCC4.
Table USR02
What is the purpose of table USR02?
This table stores User IDs and passwords.
How do you create a password exception list?
Place the answers in table USR40.
What is the purpose of table TADIR?
Table TADIR contains object directory entries.
What is the purpose of table TDEVC?
Table TDEVC contains development classes and packages.
Change Requests
What are the transaction codes associated with changing requests, request headers, or request object lists?
The following tables hold information about change requesets.
E070 Change request headers
E071 Change request object lists
User Access
How can you get a list of the users with development access on a particular system?
Transport object keys
Where can you find a list of object keys included in a transport?
E071K Object keys contained within transports
Transport in progress
How can you tell if a transport entry is in the process of being imported?
Check table TRBAT
Repaired Objects
How can you find a list of objects that have been repaired in the system?
ADIRACCESS List of repaired objects and their access keys
Disable Multiple Logins
How do you Disable Multiple Logins in the Same Client?
To disable multiple user logins within the same client implement this parameter in the instance profile:
login/disable_multi_gui_login = 1
If you do not use this parameter in your system, users have the ability to ignore the warning window at the time they try to login to the same client.
Activating this parameter in your system will make you look good if you get audited!
How about exceptional logins?
In case you're wondering how to allow multiple logins for certain key users you can implement parameter login/multi_login_users. You can list the user IDs that should be ignored if the parameter above is active in your system.
Locked Transactions
How can you View Locked Transactions?
As you know, you can lock/unlock transaction codes via SM01. But, how do you go about viewing the transactions that are locked in the system? You need to look in field CINFO, table TSTC.
Within SAP, you can use either SE11 or SE16 to browse the table contents. Make sure you enter "A0" as the "HEX01 data element for SYST" starting value and "A9" as the ending value.
This will list all the transactions locked in the system. Note: The CINFO field description is "HEX01 data element for SYST".
Locking Accounts
When you are Locking/Unlocking accounts what happens behind the scenes?
User accounts can be locked/unlocked via SU01 (User Maintenance.)
But, what goes on behind the scenes? What does the system do to actually set this?
The table USR02 gets updated. The field UFLAG determines if the user account is locked or unlocked. The value "64" indicates that the user account is locked. The value "0" that the user account is unlocked.
Knowing this, you can then issue an update statement at the database level that locks all users in mass.
Don't lock yourself out, though! Use exceptions for super user accounts in your update statement.
Notice that 4.6b and above have made improvements to this kind of task, making the locking/unlocking a bit easier. However, changing at the database level is much faster and it is just one simple query.
What is the difference between TP and R3TRANS?
TP controls the process and calls several tools, like r3trans but also e.g. DDIC-Activation.
Is there a difference between user DDIC and SAP_ALL/SAP_NEW ?
Yes, DDIC is hard coded to do some things other IDs cannot. But you should be able to activate tables in SE11 using a SAP_ALL user.
What is the purpose of the UNIX file /etc/passwd ?
/etc/passwd contains valid user passwords, accounts, default login directories, and user security permission levels
The file format is
SAP DB Error
If you receive an “error occurred during installation” message when trying to install the DBInstance (SAP DB) what can you do to fix the problem?
Use shorter pathnames.
ECC 5.0
Is it possible to install ECC 5.0 as a test system and not production, without installing solution manager?
During the installation you will be asked for a key, which can only be generated by the solution manager.
Java and XI
We are trying to install Java-Add an ABAP system as part of an XI 3.0 installation. At the end of the J2EE installation, while trying to start SAP j2EE engine, a timeout error occurs. How would you fix this?
Increase paging space to 20 GB.
Where are t-code name and program values stored? How can I find a list of all the t-codes in the SAP system?
You can use transaction st11 to view Table TSTC. You can define a new t-code using transaction se93.
STMS Importing
How can one disable the "Import All" button on STMS for the queues?
Login to your Transport Domain Controller. Run STMS->Overview->System. Choose the System you want to disable import all. Go to Transport Tool tab. Add/Create Parameter "NO_IMPORT_ALL" set its value to 1.
Patch Level for GUI
How can you confirm the patch level for SAP GUI?
Log into SAPGUI, and hit Alt-F12 ->About
Web Resources
If you can’t find the answer to a question, what are some website you can visit to find the answer?
OSS notes: http://service.sap.com/notes
SAP help: http://help.sap.com
Google: http://www.google.com
Instance installation
We want to install another new instance on same development box. Is this possible? What are some of the important considerations?
Yes, it is possible to have more than one instance on a single box. The key is to use a different SID and a different system number.
It is also important to note that for a 64 bit SAP kernel, SAP recommends a 20 GB swap space for 1st instance and 10 GB per each additional instance.
Client copy
What is the difference between a client copy and client refresh?
Some times these are the same, For example, if you are performing a copy to an existing client for the express purpose of updating the data, then it is called Client Refresh.
If you are copying to a newly created client then it is more appropriate to say “client copy.”
Another way of thinking about this is that a client copy from production to a QA server or from production to DEV server is really a client refresh.
Table T000
What is the purpose of table T000?
Table T000 contains a list of defined clients, which you can maintain with transaction SCC4.
Table USR02
What is the purpose of table USR02?
This table stores User IDs and passwords.
How do you create a password exception list?
Place the answers in table USR40.
What is the purpose of table TADIR?
Table TADIR contains object directory entries.
What is the purpose of table TDEVC?
Table TDEVC contains development classes and packages.
Change Requests
What are the transaction codes associated with changing requests, request headers, or request object lists?
The following tables hold information about change requesets.
E070 Change request headers
E071 Change request object lists
User Access
How can you get a list of the users with development access on a particular system?
Transport object keys
Where can you find a list of object keys included in a transport?
E071K Object keys contained within transports
Transport in progress
How can you tell if a transport entry is in the process of being imported?
Check table TRBAT
Repaired Objects
How can you find a list of objects that have been repaired in the system?
ADIRACCESS List of repaired objects and their access keys
Disable Multiple Logins
How do you Disable Multiple Logins in the Same Client?
To disable multiple user logins within the same client implement this parameter in the instance profile:
login/disable_multi_gui_login = 1
If you do not use this parameter in your system, users have the ability to ignore the warning window at the time they try to login to the same client.
Activating this parameter in your system will make you look good if you get audited!
How about exceptional logins?
In case you're wondering how to allow multiple logins for certain key users you can implement parameter login/multi_login_users. You can list the user IDs that should be ignored if the parameter above is active in your system.
Locked Transactions
How can you View Locked Transactions?
As you know, you can lock/unlock transaction codes via SM01. But, how do you go about viewing the transactions that are locked in the system? You need to look in field CINFO, table TSTC.
Within SAP, you can use either SE11 or SE16 to browse the table contents. Make sure you enter "A0" as the "HEX01 data element for SYST" starting value and "A9" as the ending value.
This will list all the transactions locked in the system. Note: The CINFO field description is "HEX01 data element for SYST".
Locking Accounts
When you are Locking/Unlocking accounts what happens behind the scenes?
User accounts can be locked/unlocked via SU01 (User Maintenance.)
But, what goes on behind the scenes? What does the system do to actually set this?
The table USR02 gets updated. The field UFLAG determines if the user account is locked or unlocked. The value "64" indicates that the user account is locked. The value "0" that the user account is unlocked.
Knowing this, you can then issue an update statement at the database level that locks all users in mass.
Don't lock yourself out, though! Use exceptions for super user accounts in your update statement.
Notice that 4.6b and above have made improvements to this kind of task, making the locking/unlocking a bit easier. However, changing at the database level is much faster and it is just one simple query.
What is the difference between TP and R3TRANS?
TP controls the process and calls several tools, like r3trans but also e.g. DDIC-Activation.
Is there a difference between user DDIC and SAP_ALL/SAP_NEW ?
Yes, DDIC is hard coded to do some things other IDs cannot. But you should be able to activate tables in SE11 using a SAP_ALL user.
What is the purpose of the UNIX file /etc/passwd ?
/etc/passwd contains valid user passwords, accounts, default login directories, and user security permission levels
The file format is
SAP DB Error
If you receive an “error occurred during installation” message when trying to install the DBInstance (SAP DB) what can you do to fix the problem?
Use shorter pathnames.
ECC 5.0
Is it possible to install ECC 5.0 as a test system and not production, without installing solution manager?
During the installation you will be asked for a key, which can only be generated by the solution manager.
Java and XI
We are trying to install Java-Add an ABAP system as part of an XI 3.0 installation. At the end of the J2EE installation, while trying to start SAP j2EE engine, a timeout error occurs. How would you fix this?
Increase paging space to 20 GB.
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